Rubaba Dowla Matin - Hot picture collection,Rare Exclusive Picture Collection

Rubaba Dowla Matin is Cheif service officer,Airtel,Bangaldesh.
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Rubaba Dowla's Summary

A highly experienced leader with successful track record of brand management, product innovations and corporate communication. Has been instrumental in building Telenor subsidiary Grameenphone, as number one brand and market leader with USD 1 Bn revenue from a start-up stage . More than eleven years of experience in telecommunications field having extensive experience in formulating corporate vision and long term strategy, leading all marketing related functions including spearheading numerous product innovations with P&L responsibility, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), managing Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) and internal, external stakeholders. Some successful product innovations have also achieved World GSMA awards and acclamations. An individual with results-driven approach and relentless in pursuit of excellence from a business and organizational standpoint. Believes in transparency, commitment and teamwork. Earned both national and international accolades at corporate and personal level.


Managemnet of Marketing and Commercial operations. Business and Marketing Strategy development and implementation.Brand , communication strategy management and development. Managment of Corporate Affairs, CSR,CRM.