Durga Puja 2011 In Bangaldesh

In the very beginning of the next month October,2011 Bangladeshi Hindu's are going to celebrate the biggest festival of the Bangaldeshi Hindus which is named as Durga Puja.Durga Godess will come in shosthi and will leave on Doshomi.
Government has already taken initiative steps to maintain strict security during the time of Durga Puja so that no such circumstance arises which is not suitable for the condition of the country.
People already started shopping in the market to celebrate their occasions.Though this is only for Hindu people ,the musliim and christian people also get involved with the process as they are friend with each other.
In the rural areas,people are also interested to celebrate the occassion.The Godess idol has already been started to be made.

Durga Puja is a very holy festival and this is for the peace of the whole world and this is the good power against the bad.So,the significance of the Puja is so pure and strong that people get some good inspiration from this very occassion.