Abandon Hope And Change Your Answer

Or how to get the unemployment rate to 4.3% by election day...

  1. 12,500,000 people were counted as unemployed by the BLS out of a labor force of 154,365,000
  2. This yields an unemployment rate of 8.1%.
  3. 47% of people are Democrats (including what Gallup calls “leaners”),
  4. 12,500,000 X 47% = 5,875,000 “unemployed” Democrats
  5. 12,500,000 unemployed – 5,875,000 unemployed Democrat drop-outs = 6,625,000 unemployed
  6. 6,625,000 divided by 154,365,000 = 4.3% unemployment if all unemployed Democrats gave up looking for work. 
I am hesitant to laugh at this, a liberal democrat will stop at nothing to get Obama re-elected, and many would rather just walk to the mailbox to get their check anyway.