bikini model Bikini Contest in Roanoke, VA, USA 03-16-12 DSC01659 satin bridal
This photo was from, at least partly-charity, Bikini Contest at a family restaurant on Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA, USA, on 03-16-12. By the bye, following was from my ABOUT ME part of YouTube channel. Please read if you like to: Additionally, I believe in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism because I have faith in its universality, and that it is the only true teaching by the only true Buddha of this period. But, of course I am not a sage. Yet, I think corruption by the priesthood of the true teaching is truly harmful. They regard themselves above universal truth. If a person yields to their severely selfish ultimatums or monetary demands, that person's life will only be damaged through universal consequences, which include not only living but even death conditions. ( There is official site of True Buddhism in America. Plus, to add a note, there have been some good priests, who chose to leave head temple for sake of reformation to propagate Daishonin's true Buddhism. In the true Buddhism, basic practice is chanting Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo to the Gohonzon, manifestation of the true universal law, to bring up the highest life state from within. I myself am a secular person.)
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