ZOOBMobile Car Designer 76 Best
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ZOOBMobile Car Designer 76 Feature
- Build 3 ZOOBMobile cars at once
- Includes instructions to make: 12 Wheeler Flatbed, Gear Getter, Outback Cruiser, ZOOB Duster
- High quality rubber tires are notched o work like gears
- All 5 ZOOB shapes are included
- All ZOOBMobile pieces work with every other Infinitoy ZOOB set, and kids can use their imaginations to create their own vehicles
- Also includes Lunar Rover, Mach 5, Moon Unit Racer, Racer, Speed Runner, Supersonic Stinger, Tri-Sonic Cruiser, ZOOB Buggy, and ZOOBster
ZOOBMobile Car Designer 76 Overview
ZOOB is "The Moving, Mind-Building Modeling System". The five ZOOB shapes move after you have put them together, allowing endless fun with your ZOOB creations!Item is in stock and ready to ship.
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 25, 2012 07:32:10