Tinkerbell MACH STD 2010-11-28.mpg

Tinkerbell MACH STD 2010-11-28.mpg Tube. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

Greetings Family and Friends, It is with great joy and relief that I tell you Tinkerbell earned her AKC Master Agility Champion title today (MACH). Thank you everyone SO MUCH for your support. I couldn't have done it without your encouragement and support of both of us  Tinkerbell MACH STD 2010-11-28 www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Tinkerbell JWW 2010-11-28 (2nd video is uploading now) www.youtube.com Here is the story:: It has been a year since beginning this title, with the last double Q (two qualifying perfect runs on the same day) taking about 5 months -- we were in the Bermuda triangle of everything great, but one little mistake for so long. For all of you in that boat, I can only quote Galaxy Quest: "Never give up, never surrender." (Although I felt very close to surrendering many times -- .) Today really put it all in perspective when she woke up sick. Yesterday, I thought we had it, but a wild weave entry near the end of the run thwarted that. Today was the very last possible day to get the title before the AKC Agility Invitational at the Long Beach Convention Center next weekend. Alarmingly, Tink got up several times that night, and by morning didn't want to eat, couldn't lay anywhere comfortably, went outside (it was 37 degrees) at sat and shook. I was so afraid for her (she had pancreatitis when she was young and we watch her diet carefully) that when we loaded in the car this morning, I was not sure if we were going to the emergency room, or on to the show ...

Keywords: Agility, Dog, Diannsong