Kris Jenner Slams Khloe for Gaining Weight

On Sunday's Khloe & Lamar, Khloe Kardashian, 26, comes under fire from her mom, Kris Jenner, after she packs on a few extra pounds.

As Jenner sees it, her daughter's weight gain makes her a less than ideal spokeswoman for the Kardashians' Quicktrim diet supplement. Jenner also accuses Kardashian of sabotaging the brand.

"You don't care and it's very very upsetting to me because I've worked so hard at creating what I think is a great deal for you girls and you're not pulling your end of the weight," Jenner says in a sneak preview of Sunday's all-new episode. "I feel like you could not chat about how many cookies you're eating in between meals [to the media]..."

Kardashian, on the other hand, feels torn as she struggles to maintain a healthy weight in an effort to conceive her first child with husband Lamar Odom.

"To tell me I'm ruining a whole brand because of my weight gain makes me feel like s--t. Get over yourself. You're such a f--king raging lunatic and you're so evil," she snipes to Jenner. "I'm too f--king fat, too f--king that. Do you want me to get pregnant? Do you want me to lose weight? You tell me you want me to have a baby every second, but I can't be on some crazy diet. I just don't get what you want out of me!"

Credit: Us Magazine