Elizabeth Berkley Pens Self-Esteem Book for Girls

http://fcbahistory.pbworks.com/f/1249173678/Elizabeth%20Berkley%2002.jpgMove over Dear Abby!

Best known for her roles as the book-smart beauty in Saved by the Bell and a brazen stripper in the campy screen classic Showgirls, Elizabeth Berkley now adds self-help guru to her resume.

On a mission to help young girls feel more confident and secure, the actress, 38, has penned the self-esteem handbook Ask Elizabeth.

Berkley, married to painter Greg Lauren (Ralph Lauren's nephew), was inspired by a new generation of fans watching Saved by the Bell in syndication. "Teen girls started to approach me for pictures and autographs and my husband noticed a natural interaction and encouraged me to first start with a column," Berkley told Radar Online.

She adds: "Girls' inner critics are starting to reveal themselves at a younger and younger age," she said. "And body image issues are an aspect of their lives which is causing them low self esteem and day-to-day suffering."

Her greatest bit of advice for angst-ridden teens? "One of my favorite tools is 'flip it'," she explained. "'Flip it' can become your new favorite mantra when you are having one of those mean thoughts. You can choose to flip it and change how you are feeling about yourself in that moment. This is helpful at any age."

Credit: Us Magazine