Jessica Simpson: Celebrituy Gosip

Jessica Simpson: Tony Romo “Saved Me”_3Jessica Simpson: Tony Romo “Saved Me”_4Jessica Simpson: Tony Romo “Saved Me”_5Jessica Simpson: Tony Romo “Saved Me”_6

Jessica Simpson isn’t officially engaged to Tony Romo, but she says the two are in it for the long haul.

“I think any person who I’m gonna date for longer than six months, I definitely am investing in something long-term,” the actress and country singer tells the December issue of Cosmopolitan.

“If I get married again, then it will be the last time.”

Simpson, who was married to fellow singer Nick Lachey from 2002 to 2005, adds that Romo is not her usual type – and that’s a good thing.

“I’d always fall for guys I wanted to save,” explains Simpson. “For the first time, I fell in love with someone who saved me.”